
Go Outside and Listen to New Music

Go Outside and Listen to New Music

I love listening to music. For me, music is a form of expression. But the magical thing about it is that it can express both the artist and the listener.

Through music, artists can express themselves, including their thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Listeners then listen to music that express their moods and feelings. When we're sad, we generally listen to sad music, and when we're happy, we listen to happy music. On the other hand, we also listen to happy music when we're sad to make us feel better.

There are A LOT of music out there. However, we tend to prefer certain types of music. There's nothing wrong about this. This tendency is similar to our different tastes for color; we just let our ears make our preferences. The only thing I don't agree with is the hate people express toward music that they don't like. Is it really necessary to put down artists making music that you don't prefer? Personally, if I really don't like a certain song, I just don't listen to it.

However, even though we prefer certain types of music, it wouldn't hurt if we occasionally try to listen to other types. I grew up listening to alternative rock. Eventually, I got a chance to listen to heavier stuff, particularly, metal, and at first, I wasn't able to appreciate it. Still, I gave it a chance. Now, I can't imagine myself not listening to metal; metal is my "comfort music." But I don't limit myself to just metal; I still open myself to other types of music. One of my favorite bands is Lamb of God, but I also listen to Carly Rae Jepsen.

By letting yourself listen to new music, you also open yourself to different experiences due to the various expressions these different music create. These different experiences can ignite something new within yourself, keep your motivations alive, or just spark your creativity. And no matter what you experience, at the end of the day, I'm pretty sure that it will just make you happier.

It still amazes me when I hear new artists. Recently, I was able to listen to this local band, Milky Summer, through an online radio station. Their tunes are just...happy, which is perfect for this summer season.

Going outside doesn't only literally mean going outdoors, but also going outside our comfort zones and trying something new. So, what other ways can you think of to go outside and listen to new music?

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